NCFE Level 2 Certificate in English
Study Programme
Sector: Preparation for Life and Work
NCFE Level 2 Certificate in English
This qualification is suitable for learners aged pre-16 and above. The qualification is designed for adult learners who’ve not achieved GCSE (A*–C) or Level 2 Functional Skills in English and who wish to take their first qualification in the subject. The qualification will support learners with an identified skills gap in English and can be used to support progression to GCSE (A*–C) or Level 2 Functional Skills in English.
The qualification may also be suitable for those learners still in education, ie 16–18 year olds, who’ve not achieved GCSE (A*–C) or Level 2 Functional Skills in English. The qualification could also be used by pre-16 learners who aren’t following a traditional GCSE route in education. This qualification can also support learners undertaking a vocational programme to develop their skills in English. The qualification could be taken by learners following a GCSE programme of learning who are not yet ready to take GCSE-level studies in English.
- . England
Course Delivery
Online/ Classroom
Course Duration
Short Course
Awarding Body
About these qualifications
These are regulated qualifications. This suite of NCFE English qualifications is designed to replace the Adult Basic Skills in Literacy programmes, and it supports learner progression towards achieving GCSE (A*–C) or Level 2 Functional Skills in English. The qualifications are based on the National Standards for Literacy (the Core Curriculum). To support the flexibility and responsiveness required by adult learners the qualifications are provided in a comprehensive suite of English qualifications from Entry Level 1 through to Level 2, consisting of single unit Awards, ‘themed’ Awards and a Certificate at each level. This supports learner progression through to GCSE (A*–C) or Level 2 Functional Skills in English.
These qualifications may be eligible for funding. For further guidance on funding, please contact us.