
Physical & Virtual Leaning

We offer blended learning programmes delivered in the traditional physical, face-face classroom and virtual classroom. Virtual classroom is a digital replica of the traditional classroom. Our instructors teach, and our participants learn in real-time, face-to-face but via internet-enabled technology devices. The classroom staple – whiteboard – remains intact. Learning, brainstorming, ideation, and discussions happen in real-time.


Our team of skilled and experienced tutors, assessors and verifiers adopt a holistic approach to competence based learning geared towards student achievement and towards national standards of your current or aspiring occupation.

Advice & guidance

We ensure that we are not only keeping up to date with changes but also provide you with the relevant knowledge and competencies needed within your ongoing professional growth for career advice and guidance.


We aim to make sure you are working towards your goals whilst engaging with employers and agencies to get you back into work!